Free Barilla Creamy Genovese Pesto - Moms Meet

Moms Meet are giving users the chance to try Barilla Creamy Genovese Pesto for free!

Those selected for this opportunity will receive free product to sample with your group, coupons to share with your group and additional gifts, just for you!

If you haven’t yet discovered the power of pesto, now is the time! Pesto is one of the most versatile Italian sauces around. Barilla® Creamy Genovese Pesto has a creamy, smooth texture and savory taste that makes it ideal for stirring into pastas and grains, spreading onto sandwiches and toast, marinating meats and veggies, or simply using it as a dip. Remember: A little bit goes a long way!

Imported from Parma, Italy, Creamy Genovese Pesto is convenient and full of flavor, made with a smooth blend of fragrant Italian basil and freshly grated Italian cheese. This pesto is sure to become a pantry staple you’ll reach for time and time again to give your ordinary meals an intense Italian flavor with a creamy touch!!

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