Free Hoppy Planet Foods Cookie & Muffin Bites - Social Nature

Sign up to possibly score Hoppy Planet Foods Cookie & Muffin Bites for free! 

Sign up for Social Nature if you are not already a member, and then select “I Want It” to be considered for this freebie. You will receive an email if selected.Social Nature is one of the only programs online that regularly offers testing opportunities for Organic and Natural food products. If you are selected for this one, they will send you a coupon in the mail that you can redeem at your local grocer. 

Made with sustainable Acheta Protein, Hoppy Planet Food's snacks are baked to be delicious, more nutritious, and sustainable. Their soft-baked Cookies and Muffin Bites pack more protein for balanced nutrition, natural prebiotics supporting gut health, and vitamins and minerals your body needs, while having less sugar and a far smaller environmental footprint than what you’re eating today. Their snacks are always All-Natural, Non-GMO, No Artificial Anything, and Dairy-Free. Some are also Gluten-Free and Soy-Free too. 

Hoppy Planet Foods's mission is to make our food system more sustainable and healthier for you, your kids, and their kids too!

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